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I haven't entirely disappeared from the face of Earth, if that's what you're thinking ( :

  First off with the good news: 馬英九當選! I'm not really big in politics but  I'm delighted that he actually won by approx. 2,000,000 votes (Taiwan is finally becoming a place worth staying!)! But of course, I highly doubt that he'll be able to control 王金平, head of the KMT infilterated Congress. What's even worse is that 宋楚瑜 is back, that filthy conman. His 親民黨 is already in tatters, without even one seat in Congress.  親民黨 would have faded away gradually, but now they are uniting with KMT.  國親聯合 not only strengthens 親民黨( which really, had its clock ticking and would've been wiped out entirely soon enough )  but also allows 宋楚瑜 to fool around. I bet he wants to be 行政院長(and I bet 馬英九 would definitely not give him that position). Who knows, he might even ally with 王金平 and become a real nuisance. I wonder if 馬英九 would be able to keep an extra eye on his buddies. We'll see.

  Second of all, exams are OVER (rejoice!). After taking the 4th Physics exam of my 高二 year, I have come up with this official conclusion. I hereby announce: My Physics teacher is full of crap. I know that crap teachers are really common to you, just bear with me for once.  I've never passed any of her exams before. Here are the reasons why:

gatheringblue 發表在 痞客邦 留言(1) 人氣()

I hate to say this...but you got to forget him.
  I know I know...this is gonna break your heart. But chances are you are never going to see him again.
  You know there's this pyschological test? It goes like this:
  There's are two girls living with their mother. One day, the mother died, so the two sisters held a funeral for their mother. The younger sister saw the handsomest guy on the funeral and fell instantly in love with him. 
"Oh my goodness, he's is just SO hot...I must get to know him." But alas, destiny is not on her side, she didn't get a chance to see him.

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I must meet that supervisor again. Who is he? Where is he from? How old is he? What is he doing now? This is ridiculous, he's only a supervisor for heaven's sake. A very hot one ... what?

I believe everybody in the testing room that day were charmed by him. But then, everyone was charmed but not seduced Iike me. What is his name? I must see him again.

Very cool meeting last time. Do you want to arrange our mext meet-up(Perhaps after the exams)? Let's go to a place where we can really sit and eat and talk next time ( : 

gatheringblue 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

So much has happened, I don't know where to start. Let me tell you about the horrible experience I underwent last night.

I accidently erased my game. Erased means I deleted it.  I erased the game I've been working for weeks on. My Resident Evil 4 Professional Mode. Do you know how hard the professional mode is?  One bite and a strike from a zombie then you're a goner. Imagine how effing diffcult it would be if you fought a pack of 'em. That's how hard the professional mode is. It is very hard work but I was near the end of the game. That's when I erased it. Imagine how I felt. All my hard work. It is still paining me, I don't want to talk about this in depth. Imagine how I felt. I felt like a fucktard that night. I was borderline hysteria. 

Writing this make me sad all over again. My sweet glory, gone in a millisecond. 

gatheringblue 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

I have so much winter homework...

I know I shouldn't have left it til the very last minute, but you know how I am. I am so lazy.

The 11 pages of math is an easy case, if I can't finish it, I'll copy it. But the two book reports are a bother. It's not like I can copy it from other people, besides, I didn't really finish reading it. And I have to study for the test tomorrow, there's Mencius and his boring talks and other equally boring ancient Chinese compositions.

Sigh...life's cruel.

gatheringblue 發表在 痞客邦 留言(1) 人氣()

HAHA. I like that. How's your life? It has been a while since we've talked! I love our blog! The layout's lovely; it matches our name very well. 

I'm home and alive. Can you believe it? A lot has happened but I'm too lazy to write it all down; I'll just give you the highlights:

Lady Luck has been with me during my trip! Our tour group magically avoided all the crazy traffic. Strange enough, other tour groups that arrived earlier (and later) than us have all been stuck in traffic; some had even been stuck on the highway for 12 hours! Transportation for us, however, ran mysteriously smoothly; we were able to get to our desired destination(s) without the slightest delay. 

gatheringblue 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Why would I do that?

You know Auntie Chung would just frown and give me a weird look, then she'll probably ask,"Was the supervisor hot?"Like I'm going to answer that.

You know what I ate for breakfast today? A Poptart. They are so dreadfully fattening yet sinfully delicious. 400 calories per serving! 

gatheringblue 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Goodnight. Thought I'd make the first post. 

I'll be leaving for Shanghai/ Nanking on Thursday.
I will be back on Chinese New Year's Eve.
Don't worry, I'll buy you souvenirs.

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