
I haven't entirely disappeared from the face of Earth, if that's what you're thinking ( :

  First off with the good news: 馬英九當選! I'm not really big in politics but  I'm delighted that he actually won by approx. 2,000,000 votes (Taiwan is finally becoming a place worth staying!)! But of course, I highly doubt that he'll be able to control 王金平, head of the KMT infilterated Congress. What's even worse is that 宋楚瑜 is back, that filthy conman. His 親民黨 is already in tatters, without even one seat in Congress.  親民黨 would have faded away gradually, but now they are uniting with KMT.  國親聯合 not only strengthens 親民黨( which really, had its clock ticking and would've been wiped out entirely soon enough )  but also allows 宋楚瑜 to fool around. I bet he wants to be 行政院長(and I bet 馬英九 would definitely not give him that position). Who knows, he might even ally with 王金平 and become a real nuisance. I wonder if 馬英九 would be able to keep an extra eye on his buddies. We'll see.

  Second of all, exams are OVER (rejoice!). After taking the 4th Physics exam of my 高二 year, I have come up with this official conclusion. I hereby announce: My Physics teacher is full of crap. I know that crap teachers are really common to you, just bear with me for once.  I've never passed any of her exams before. Here are the reasons why:

1) I never understood what the heck she was saying in class.
2) I never studied for her classes 
3) I never do the homework she gives
4) She is full of crap
5) She is full of crap
6) She is full of crap

Well, I of course "study" the subject. (I always prepare for tests; I can always do well on 週考 but never on term exams) What I mean by "not studying" is that I have no idea what the heck I'm doing. I'm not absorbing. I just use brute force and take in everything, which is really something you shouldn't do for physics. But how do you really learn the subject when you have no idea what the hell you're learning?

At first I convinced myself that I wasn't really talented in this area, so I just let it come and go. Until today, when the physics exam this time was way too hard that I realized. We were all pretty worn out, and began to clutter together and soon, began discussing how we felt about physics. It turned out that nobody, nobody, understood what the teacher was talking about the minute she walked into our classroom(暑期輔導). The dudes who always get 90 something on every physics test said they never paid attention to her classes( "I never got what she was talking about.") What's even more outrageous is that one of my classmates, whose mother runs a coffee shop at NTHU, told me something very interesting: 

(His mother often chats with other parents at her shop)
His mother: 他們現在高中物理好難喔!
Him: 對呀,我上課都聽不懂.
Parent: 你的老師該不會是陳XX吧!?
Parent: 我兒子也是給他教的,他和他的同學上課都聽不懂!!

It turns out that this parent, is the parent of one of our 學長s. It turns out that I wasn't stupid or anything. The teacher is really crap. I then went to other classes that were also taught by her. They also don't know what she is saying most of the time. Well, that really proves something! So I have now decided to hire my father as my official physics teacher. Forget about the crap teacher. 

  It has been so long since we've talked. I hope you're okay.  The SAT Question-and-Answer Service came in  today. I hope you got it. Write back soon!

I discovered a Tori Amos song(Silent All These Years).Really beautiful. Here's a verse:

Years go by will I still be waiting
for somebody else to understand
Years go by if I'm stripped of my beauty
and the orange clouds raining in my head
Years go by will I choke on my tears
till finally there is nothing left
One more casualty
You know we're too easy easy easy


PS Hope you really hit it off with Guy 2, even with you not sitting near him anymore. (Ain't it cute having a crush on your classmate? )

PS I got that NEHS anniversary pin( the small metal one, with "NEHS 2008" printed on it?).It's really cute, but I don't know what to do with it.


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